Jennifer Aniston Shares Her Struggle with Dyslexia…”My Eyes Would Jump Four Words and Go Back Two Words”

Having dyslexia is not something that Hollywood star Jennifer Aniston talks about very often, but in the latest issue of The Hollywood Reporter the 45-year-old star opens up about her struggles with dyslexia.

Here’s what the 45-year-old star had to share with the magazine:

On having dyslexia: “The only reason I knew [that I had it] was because I went to get a prescription for glasses. I had to wear these Buddy Holly glasses. One had a blue lens and one had a red lens. And I had to read
a paragraph, and they gave me a quiz, gave me 10 questions based on what I’d just read, and I think I got three right. Then they put a computer on my eyes, showing where my eyes went when I read. My eyes would jump four words and go back two words, and I also had a little bit of a lazy eye, like a crossed eye, which they always have to correct in photos. I thought I wasn’t smart. I just couldn’t retain anything. Now I had this great discovery. I felt like all of my childhood trauma-dies, tragedies, dramas were explained.”

On possible kids in her future: “Listen, that’s a topic that’s so exhausted. I get nervous around that, just because it’s very personal. Who knows if it’s going to happen? It’s been a want. We’re doing our best.”

On the non-story with her and Brad Pitt: “We’re not in daily communication. But we wish nothing but wonderful things for each other. Nobody did anything wrong. You know what I mean? It was just like, sometimes things [happen]. If the world only could just stop with
the stupid, soap-opera bullshit. There’s no story. I mean, at this point it’s starting to become — please, give more credit to these human beings.”


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