“Wake Up and Work It Out: How Jennifer Aniston Maintains Her Fitness with Early Morning Exercise”

Reports suggest that Jennifer Aniston is an early bird who enjoys getting her workout in at the crack of dawn. The actress, known for her toned physique, engages in some pretty rigorous exercises during this early morning routine. If she’s working, Aniston wakes up at 4:30 or 5:00 a.m. However, if she’s not working, she tends to sleep in and wake up between 8 and 9 a.m. Despite being a night owl, she prefers to get her workout done first thing in the morning. Aniston typically starts her day with hot water and lemon before hitting the gym with her trainer. Her spin-yoga class consists of spinning for 30 minutes and doing yoga for 40 minutes, which she finds quite challenging.

Afterward, my go-to activity is hitting the gym to get some exercise. To keep things interesting, I like to mix it up by alternating between strength training and cardio workouts on the treadmill, bike, or elliptical. In a recent interview with Well +Good, I revealed that my typical morning routine involves starting off with a shake containing pure protein, bananas, blueberries, frozen cherries, stevia, dynamic greens, maca powder, and a bit of cacao. On days when I’m not in the mood for a shake, I’ll opt for some toast with poached eggs and avocado or a bowl of millet cereal with almond milk and bananas – perfect for warming up during the colder winter months.

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